Thursday, October 16, 2008

CSI Pompeii (geo for school)

(Crime Scene Investigation Pompeii)

Report is on: The eruption of M. Vesuvius, Pompeii
When: 79AD

The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in the year 79AD must have been devastating. No one could have escaped the horrible fate that was bestowed on them, for it came through a volcano.

(Mt. Vesuvius)

Volcanoes erupt when all the pressure underground can take no more and slowly starts to push up all the molten rock, more commonly known as magma, to the top of the volcano.

Mt. Vesuvius began forming 25,000 years ago, and has erupted many, many times since that. But above all, the most famous eruption is the one in 79AD. It completely destroyed Pompeii and many of the neighboring cities, of which the most well-known one is Herculaneum, an ancient Greek city. The eruption lasted around 19 hours, possible 18, or 20. The eruption got worse and worse, but it all started with a fume of black smoke in the sky, of which was followed by a shower of pumice falling unto Pompeii.

Pumice is a very light stone, made by volcanoes. It is only light because it has some air trapped in it, so it is able to float. However, in Pompeii. the falling of all this pumice was soon to be a problem, for much heavier rocks occasionally fell with the pumice, that would be deadly if you were hit by them. The pumice also blocked doorways, caused roofs to cave in, occasionally smashed windows and were generally a menace.


No one was safe in Pompeii, or any of the near cities, for the volcano sent many, many hardships their way. These hardships included toxic volcanic fumes, extreme heat waves and falling rocks. Everything was ruined, at the mercy of just one volcanic eruption.

(the remains of people blasted by a heat wave)

The latest eruption of Mt. Vesuvius was in 1944, but has since seemed to be dormant. Many scientests still don't believe it is dormant, yet some do.

Personally, I believe it isn't dormant, and will eventually erupt again, and cause devastation and fear everywhere.

But that is just me.

(Pompeii today)

By Caitlin Fischer


香港地理 said...

This a great start. To get a better grade you need some maps and pictures. Also, can you develop the CSI theme a bit more so that it is in keeping with an investigation?

Grade: 3 (so far)

Foxiee <3 said...

OK. Thank you, Dr. Cox.